Thursday, August 30, 2012


I. look. inside.
nothing. but. emptiness.

deafening. silence. in.
the vast. expanse.
of. a. barren. universe.

the speck. the dust. the sky.

a. dot. in. space.
a. moment. in. time.
a. sea. of. darkness.
a.  land. of. the. dead.

a. black. hole.

I. contemplate.
my. contempt.
of. everything. beautiful.

I. seek. to. destroy.
the prettiest.
your mind. can. think.
your eyes. can. see.
your hand. can. touch.
your heart. can. feel.

I. am. you.
you. are. me.
a. mirror. image.
a. friend. a. lover.
a. dream. a. nightmare.

inside. my. head.